Quote of the day - "When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty" ~ Norm Crosby
Hold my Beer!I suck at the pick3. Is it football season yet?
where's my cat?!Demonsbaby the cat: Lick lick lick paws
Fromcal the cat yawns, exposes visually the fangs (teeth)
Harposf the cat: Overcast May weather Yawn, makes me sleepy of course.
They're grilling all the Alberts. I thought Nicole was very believable.....pretty much just told it like it was.Boy they really grilled Brian Albert today in the Read trial. He's the home owner where John O'Keefes body was found.
Lucy is queenI think Mookie thinks of himself as more of a Prince.
Tummy rub for Prince Mookie.I'm going away again tomorrow.........Mookie is going to hate me.
Makes total sense. I believe in reiki.Just had my first ever reiki healing session... and it's made me feel lighter, almost clearer... if that makes any sense