• Quote of the Day - "The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down." ~ Adam Savage

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  • requesting the animated laughing emoji we used to have. Thanks
    Phil when I get to where you chat it won’t let me. I have to search and hit several spots and it finally comes up but not on the home page. Hopefully I will figure it out
    HELP........NO CHAT !!
    No worries... was trying to implement the different, better chat but probably best to do that when nobody is around haha
    I'm back but, I don't post much anymore and this is strange!
    Randy Red Sox
    Phil i think you should remove me from your site. I have really enjoyed my time on here these many years and I am sorry I have not been able to help out with some $$$ to support the site but money is super tight right now for me. I just feel I have become a downer on your site and I really don't want to be so. Thanks to everyone on this site and also on the ole board. My best wishes to you all.
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